Welcome back!

La Ísland 2.0

Hello again!

I want to take this opportunity to tell you about the changes, which in themselves have been more stylistic, but still different. The site is designed, planned, written, illustrated… and everything, by the two of us (A. and me). For the past months, we have been thinking about what we could add that could be much more interesting for whoever reads us. To start with, I have redesigned the logo. For those who do not know, it is supposed to be a puffin, with a hat, mixing an endemic animal from Iceland and a Mexican accessory. However, by the time I drew it, it was still hard for me to use Illustrator. Now that I've seen more YouTube videos of tricks and techniques, I felt more capable of redesigning it, to make it look more like an icon than a drawing. The new logo represents the puffin, in a more simplistic way, and a rainbow of colors that, after an exhaustive search, I associate with the Mexican identity.

On the other hand, there are new things on the site, which we hope you will like, since we think it is important, as users, that the site is easy for you to navigate and read the articles. Especially because we know that you might be reading us through mobile devices. We have changed the sections,we combined some of them and now we have five, but the novelty is that we have a section called "Sagas". For some time now I have been writing two series "Learning Icelandic" where I have narrated my adventures while learning the language, and "Icelandic architecture" where I have been illustrating some architectural styles, especially in the capital region. Look forward to the continuation of these two series soon, as well as the introduction of the series “Konur: Women of Iceland”, where I will talk about important women in the island's history, as well as issues related to gender. I hope that by the end of this month I can publish the first installment.

Last but not least, we now have a small weekly section called "The word of the week" , there you can find an article about a word in Icelandic, this is for you to get to know some peculiarities of the Icelandic language, and also because personally it can help me to have a glossary of words that I am learning now that I am in a somewhat stricter classes.

So far with the changes, we hope to find more things to add in the future, but for now, thanks for continuing reading us. If you have any suggestions about the content, you can write to us, to know what else we can implement.

Takk fyrir!

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