Little by little

Lottery card

How can I get a routine, if there is something new every single day?

Greetings to you all, once again I have not been able to normalize my publications. A few weeks ago due to a friend's visit that included my husband’s birthday, later we moved to our new home, we didn’t have internet, and on top of that I am about to finish my Icelandic course and had to study.

And in the midst of all the chaos that is moving boxes, arranging things, painting, fixing damages and maintaining a kind of routine, my kennitala finally arrived.

Kenni ... what?

I forgot that I have not yet described what the hell is a kennitala. I am not sure if this exists in other countries, in Mexico we know it as CURP, in Sweden is a personnummer, but is just the number of person, or something like that. It's funny how everything seems to always come all at once in a week or two, or that is very frequent in my life. Then I have to do everything and be on the run. Receiving this good news reminded me when I was on the process of getting other permit, the one I had in Sweden, which took 14 months. When it arrived I was in the fourth chapter of my thesis. And, as fast as I could, I finished writing it and did all the paperwork to get my degree ...

Now it only took three months, a fairly straightforward and simple process, in a sense. With this number, I start in the new stage of looking for jobs, get into interviews, but especially the road to citizenship begins, which is more or less long. But above all, it gave me peace of mind that things are moving and we progress.

Sometimes by leaps and bounds and sometimes little by little.

¡También disponible en! >español
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