Posdata: The beginning
3 min read
When I started this path of making a site/blog on the Internet, many years ago, I had the idea of writing as if I were writing by correspondence. The way I have created the blog …
Nordimex: Chronicle of an Icelander in Mexico
8 min read
The following weeks, La Ísland will be more active in its Posdata section, where I don't talk about Iceland. There is also a tiny change: the point of view is from A. You might remember …
Nordimex II: Huaraches & tacos
2 min read
Having stayed in Mexico for two weeks you can guess that I have eaten a lot of great food already. Two things I would like to talk about today.The Huaraches (e. sandals). These are an …
Nordimex III: Gansitos!
1 min read
The Gansitos are a delicious tiny “cake” (if you could call it a cake). Really it's a two/three bite sized cake that comes individually wrapped and you can buy them in your local store on …
Here, I don't write about Iceland
New content...soon!