A report

Washing hands, 2020

This text was originally published in Spanish on March 23rd, 2020. At the moment of translating, some of the information had change and developed, which you can still check on the links down below, for this text I had updated some of the information.

Throughout these days, various eventualities have occurred regarding COVID-19. Recording the progress of the disease, both in the world, and in particular in Iceland, is quite complicated, since every day, there are new reports, new numbers, data that changes and information that could be interesting, but that is pushed down given the multiplicity of news media. Here I have tried to condense some of the information related to this pandemic. I have to say that I AM NOT AN EXPERT on the subject, I have simply read the news in detail, to get the information that the Icelandic media themselves have shared with their population and that it was interesting to share with you.

1. deCODE's efforts

Kári Stefansson, CEO of the famous genetics company, has tried to contribute with more than a grain of sand. The explosion of cases had just begun (around when the number of cases reached 166), when the also neurologist announced that deCODE would contribute to the investigation by performing a thousand tests per day, opening an online registry, free of charge. The site became saturated few minutes after opening, which is why they opened other spots to make an appointment, reaching 20,000 registered people. Preliminary data indicated that a low percentage of the population had the virus, giving an estimate of 0.75% to 1% of the country's population. Within their reports they have disclosed that there were two types of COVID-19, one more dangerous than the other, and 40 mutations, since they located an individual with two types (with and without mutation). However, this finding is still pending for determining what is the explanation for it, if it is only a coincidence, or a phenomenon of the virus in question. deCODE have also sequenced the DNA of the samples that they have received to date, so their contribution is very useful, both in the country, so they could know what mechanisms must be taken into account to contain the contagion, as well as outside Iceland, since it has been reported that there is interest of some laboratories and researchers to know these data that could contribute into the research for a vaccine or treatment.

Such information is considered as part of the privacy of the individuals that have been tested (since it’s their DNA) and it could not be shared due to private data protection laws. The authorities have given permission to use these data to be shared in a scientific journal and thus learn more about their research. Despite the company's rapid response, they have found themselves with an obstacle to continue taking samples, in the absence of swabs. The big manufacturers of these swabs are in two countries that currently have enormous problems in their production: Italy and the United States. Swabs from a company called Össur, who make prosthetics, are currently being considered. It should be noted that the standards for making these swabs have to go through strict quality control, as they are known to have to have a specific length (since it is introduced through the nose) and it has to avoid certain chemicals that could kill the virus and not be useful for the sample.

UPDATE: This swabs of the Össur company, were approved by deCODE and the heavy testing had resumed since then.

2. The official page covid.is

The government, on its part, through the Ministry of Health, launched a website where the population can access the most relevant data on the virus called covid.is. The site has information to prevent contagion, as well as the statistical information that, day by day, they have been collecting. Initially, the information only included samples obtained from public health institutions, but, after a few days, they have combined the figures with those of deCODE, giving a much more extensive view of the tests that have been carried out. Furthermore, given that -initially- the origins of the contagion were being investigated, there are graphs that allow us to see what percentage of those who are infected have been imported cases and which percentage are local cases. Also, there is a graph of age in relation to those infected. These data are, currently, updated every day at 13:00 local time, and have versions in English and Polish. The site is expected to be available in other languages ​​including Spanish in the coming days. I do not want to mention the figures, since they are constantly changing, so if you, dear reader, are curious, you can simply visit the page.

UPDATE: Covid.is is now available in other languages, they have integrated a graph that shows people that are recovering, and information of an app that had been developed, in record time, for tracking the infection and the individuals, so they can notify directly those who had been exposed to the virus.

3. The statistics of covid.hi.is

The University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands) has launched a portal called covid.hi.is, where you can consult the projections that have been made regarding the progress of this pandemic in Icelandic territory. It should be noted that the first projections estimated that around 1,200 people would be infected with COVID-19 at best, and the pessimistic projection was 2,000 people. However, they recently modified the model, projecting the rate of 2,000 as the best case and 6,000 as the worst. This consideration results after observing that the cases registered in the country have shot up in recent days, so the data showed that we were approaching the first model, which pointed to the worst case of 2,000 people infected with the virus. The site has other data, such as the projection of people who will require hospitalisation, among other things. Unfortunately, the site is only available in Icelandic.

UPDATE: the site has since then modify again their projection, giving the best projection at around 1,200 and their worst around 1,700 cases infected of coronavirus. On the positive note, until I am writing this paragraph, the curve is showing the projection on the best case (so getting to the 1,200 infected). However, the graph of the number of hospitalised people is getting into the curve of the worst scenario (around 180 people is projected to be hospitalised) .

4. The measures adopted until March 24

The measures adopted by the government to contain the spread of the virus have been changing as the virus progresses. In the beginning, Iceland did not closed its borders, despite the closure of the borders of the countries belonging to the European Union (it should be noted that Iceland is not part of the European Union, but has been affected by the decision that has been taken in the other territories of the continent). Nor have schools and kindergartens been completely closed, although in higher education institutions (high schools and universities), they have made the decision to close their facilities by opting for distance education via online. Until last week, the government had declared a ban on crowds of more than 100 people in public spaces. Educational institutions had the choice to continue their classes in smaller groups and for students to be at a considerable distance from each other. This thinking that if the parents who can not be absent from their jobs, they do not have the concern of staying at home with their children, and in a certain way take that “burden” off their shoulders.

Given that the number of infected people has been increasing, on Sunday March 22, the new provision was made that the prohibition in public spaces would be more than 20 people in public spaces. Those who can work remotely have been encouraged to do so. And in the supermarkets the hours of service have been prolonged, this to help those who are at risk, so they can make their purchases without exposing themselves as much. Ikea, a store that is usually busy, has closed its doors, continuing its service through its internet portal. Bars, clubs, beauty salons, spas, sports centers and any other space where there is close contact between people have been closed. Many companies have decided to close by their own choice. Internet shopping services have an increment in sales. And, today, from the window of my balcony where I can see two busy roads, the low mobility in the territory begins to be noticed.

UPDATE: This measurements had been prolonged until 4th of May.

So far, this is my report ...

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