Gleðilega páska!

Easter egg, 2020

Last week, we were told at work the changes for the following weeks, due to the pandemic. With everything that has happened, I had not anticipated the arrival of Easter. And I realised that here, is not even a week, but three days, that when joined with the weekend, from the little vacation break. I have to confess that I hoped to have a proper week of holidays, because I wanted to study Icelandic, without worries, since my course is on pause until May (if by then, the cases of coronavirus have decreased).

On our last day of work, we were surprised with a very special gift: the famous Easter eggs. Long time ago, when I saw Easter eggs for the first time, they caught my attention since they are monumental. Last year, I gave one to my sister, because she has a sweet tooth and when I told her about these huge chocolates, she drooled for the craving of one. These eggs are made with Icelandic chocolate and have on the inside, sweets and chocolates that are typical of the region (liquorice, for example) and they start selling them in early March. Traditionally, children get one on Easter Sunday, parents hide the egg in the house or in the garden, so the kids have fun searching them. There are different types and brands, and personally, since I don't like very sweet things, I prefer those made of dark and bitter chocolate. They told me that it is the first time they give Easter eggs in the place where I work, I suppose they wanted to cheer us up for the holidays, after everything that has happened. At A.'s work they were invited to go to the office (since many are working from home) for their eggs. From the car, I saw several gentlemen coming out of the huge building, who happily were carrying their eggs. One cannot reject a chocolate to anyone, I suppose. So we already had our chocolate supply for the entire quarantine.

A.'s parents had given us Easter eggs for a few years now, when we lived in Sweden, they even sent them. And they had bought this year's eggs, so now we have four chocolate eggs. I decided to open the one they gave me, since it is the one made of dark chocolate, which has a Garfield at the top, although the most traditional ones have a figurine of a chick or a rabbit. Inside, on a tiny paper, there was an Icelandic proverb. It said: Gott er góðum að þjóna, "It is good to serve good people”.

Whatever you say, chocolate. Whatever you say...

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