Christmas Beers

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    Eitthvað fallegt
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    Segull 67 Jóla Bjór
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    Jóla Gull
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    Jóla Kaldi Súkkulaði
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    Thule Jólabjór
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    Tveir vinir & annar í jólum
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    Jóla Kaldi
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    Víking Jólabjór
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    Jóla Magnús Frúktus

This text is something we hadn’t done on this site before. First, a bit of a background information. A. doesn’t write on the site per se, but it is also his project. He is the site builder, but he also contributes in many other ways. Sometimes (and I had stated before) he takes the pictures, sometimes, many I would add, he gives me ideas. Because, at the end of the day, he is an Icelander. For this reason, I tend to use, when referring to the site, as we, meaning A and me, E. Also, the texts on this site are written first in my mother tongue (Spanish) and then I translate them. That is a hard task, because the voice that I use for writing uses colloquial phrases, words, and jokes that are too niche. I have even decided to not translate a couple of texts that I deemed as untranslatable. But here is a new different route, maybe from this weird Christmas spirit that we are getting into, especially while doing this series.

So… you might wonder then “what is new with this one?” Well:

  1. A. is co-writing this for the first time on the site.
  2. This is written originally in English.
  3. The format will be different from others and
  4. This is the first time we post the English version first…

I know, I know, many things aren’t as wild. But we had so much fun doing this, that we might well consider to do it again a bit more regularly. So after this long disclaimer, let’s go on topic.

What is Christmas with no beer?

I know, probably is not for everybody, but it happens that, among the many products that they sell with Christmas motifs and themes, they sell Christmas beers. And in Iceland there are many, many brands of this jolly drink. So we thought: if we had to pick our preferred Christmas beer, which would that one be? We bought 13 Christmas beers (plus one to make an Honorific Mention) to be submitted to the test in a Royal Battle of Presentation, Taste, Christmasness (if that is even a word) and Price point. Now, this is by no meaning anything really scientific, this was made out of pure joy and love of beverages. DON’T TAKE US THAT SERIOUSLY ON THIS ONE.

However, if you do follow our recommendations please be aware that:

  1. A. has no taste buds
  2. E. is very picky (and along this she was really trying to look for IPA)
  3. We both don’t mind much beer with different flavours, but we tend not to choose the basic lager types.

The evaluation

The rating went on individual scores for the already mentioned categories, from a 0-10 scale. For Presentation, we were judging based on the design, the print, the texture, and the Christmas theme. In Taste, we read the label, based on the ingredients stated, we tried them, and saw how it was actually perceived on our taste buds. We were looking for a good taste, with some of the holiday elements. Christmassness, is the category in which we evaluate the concept of the beer as a whole, and how related to these festivities it is. Sometimes a great beer is not necessarily the best Christmas beer, and that is what we were looking for. And in Price point, given that beer (and everything, really) is very expensive in Iceland, we took in consideration all of the elements previously described, and if the price was worth it, taking into account that if you need to make a party and choose the beer, which one would it be the one you buy. Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that we judge the beers by their own, not consecutively to be the most accurate as possible (we are not very serious, but we tried). We wrote down scores, made an Excel file, and based on that we created the scale of five Santas, which is given to our Top 3 beers. Now that you have all this big disclaimer, let’s continue to talk about beer.


Eitthvað fallegt 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻

E: This is a funny name...what does it mean?

A: The name “Eitthvað fallegt” literally means “Something beautiful”, which is a reference to a popular christmas song in Icelandic.

E: Okay… so let’s start with that, it has a fun name, and a fun design...wait… is that a cat?

A: There seems to be a cat on the bottle, as well as a rat?.... with blood?

E: Well, not sure what it is but is nice!

A: I really like the IPA-like smell of this beer, it’s refreshing and smells rather sweet, how do you like the smell?

E: It smells promising… like citrus

A: Let’s taste it…

[A. tastes the beer. He thinks, makes a pause, looks distant. Gives the beer to E. She drinks, opens her eyes in awe]

E: I like it! I love it!

A: It’s a really tasty IPA flavour, really really good, delicious!

E: It says on the label it has jólatré, I don’t feel the jólatré in it. Just a bitter aftertaste. But I do taste the mandarin, mandarins are really Christmassy to me… is what you get from a Christmas piñata, so it fits my festive spirit.

A: Yeah I do get some hint of pine or jólatré as they say, is really light but it’s there I feel. I think it is really a good Christmas blend, mandarins and pine, sounds like Christmas to me. The bitter aftertaste is maybe not for everybody really, but for the self-proclaimed beer connoisseur that is ME, I like it!

HóHóHó 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻

A: So to the next one! This one has a very funny image on the can with some suspicious Santa at a bar and an instruction that tells you to “drink it under a tree”.

E: [giggles in Spanish] Now that is fun! This is by far my favorite package, since we bought them, I knew I wanted to try it just because I do judge my beer by it’s cover.

A: Yeah it's a very capturing image… I’m going to smell it… [smells in icelandic] mmmmmm it smells of not really anything…

E: Oh, really? I smell some fruit in it. It is quite the fruity, I would say.

A: Interesting… Might just be my nose… [proceeds to take a sip] ohh that tastes nice! It’s quite watery but smooth. I do get the fruit in the taste though.

E: [takes a sip, thinks, takes a second sip] Yeah, it is very light, but fruity, sure not for everyone. But is good, at least for me [takes a third sip]

A: It’s definitely not for everybody since it's quite bitter in the after taste, yeah. I think that you could finish one very fast because it's so smooth, and you will be drunk before you even notice.

E: Totally, is a 6.8%... drink fast, drunk faster.

Askasleikir 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻

A: What do you think about the can of this one? I think it’s very cool, sleek and a nice design. Maybe not too Christmassy apart from the name, but still nice.

E: [Grabbing the can while rotating it] I think this is a fantastic can, is smooth and I love the black top… it looks very elegant!

A: It really does! On to the taste test! [takes a drink] The Ale part really comes through, I think it's very hoppy and very citrusy, I really like this style of beer!

E: [takes a sip] It’s very citrusy. There is not much aftertaste, which is nice. Very flavourful, but not an overpowering taste. I still love the can tho [rubs the can in an Aladdin fashion].

A: Yeah the can is amazing! I think if you were having a Christmas party….(thanks COVID) I think this beer would look super nice on the table for the guests.


Bjúgnakrækir 🎄

E: Look at that… I like the consistency in the packaging with this brand. With that gorgeous black top, obsessed!

A: Yes, the packaging is amazing! I’m going to try it! [tries in Icelandic] That really tastes amazing, such a rich hoppy taste. I think that this beer is a great example of a good Pale Ale.

E: You love Pale Ale, that is biased already 🙄

A: I love Pale Ale! [says proudly]

E: [sips, sips] I like the taste, although it is quite bitter in the aftertaste. But it’s ok I can drink this, it's pleasant.

A: Yeah it’s a bit bitter the aftertaste, but if you love Pale Ales then you will for sure like this one!

E: In the “Not for everyone” category?

A: For sure.


Segull 67 Jóla Bjór 4.0/5

E: Ok let’s see what this one offers [sniffs the bottle] It smells like IPA. Give it a smell

A: Mmmm yeah that smell is good, I think that it smells sweet with a bit of roastedness hidden in there.

E: The packaging is missing something I guess. I mean it is red, but compared to the other ones… I don’t know, it is lacking a je ne sais quoi.

A: Yeah I get what you mean, I’m not getting that Christmas spirit from the bottle really. Let’s try it! [sip sip] .... It tastes a bit roasted and dark with a bit of sweetness. But I think it’s very smooth actually, not too strong or bitter.

E: [sip sip] It is indeed dark, like chocolate or coffee, I am not so sure about it. And it's a bit bitter afterwards. I like it… maybe with meat?

A: Yeah I think it could go great with this one. I just think though that this is another one of those beers that might not be for everyone.

E: Absolutely, not for everyone.

Jóla Gull 4.0/5

E: Look at this presentation! It is very pretty… one of my favorites, for sure.

A: Yeah it’s really cool, I can just imagine having a Christmas party and having a tower of these…. beer, beer, beer everywhere. With a bunch of little Santas around, amazing!

E: [opens can and smells it] Oh, well. Smells like basic beer. Just beer

A: True, It’s quite basic. It’s the Christmas version of a very popular and basic Icelandic beer, so I guess it fits.

E: [tries the beer. Stares at the can, takes another sip] It tastes basic, nothing in particular to say. Which is not bad, I mean. During the festivities, you eat and party (maybe not in this 2020) but all and all, you get a beer for the holidays that you can buy in a bulk, and that I appreciate on a beer.

A: Yeah I think the taste is quite basic, it’s like a slightly darker, bitter lager beer, I guess they were going for more of a Christmas flavour. It’s super easy to drink though, and I think it would be a great fit for a party where you want to offer beer but keep your wallet closed.

E: And we all love to keep our wallets closed, to be honest.

Jóla Kaldi Súkkulaði 3.9/5

A: Take a look at this one. Does it really read Christmas to you? For me it’s more like, “hello, we are in ye olde days”.

E: Yeah, there is nothing festive… perhaps the lettering? It is out of something that looks like Santa Claus calligraphy.

A: Yeah, I’m not really getting that festive vibe from the design. But let's smell it and see… Oh! that's something new, it really smells like dark chocolate!

E: Wow… it smells cozy, warm. I want a candle with this scent. It has a very nice smell, especially if you consider that it is a beer!

A: Yeah it really is nice! I’m going to try it, let's see if it tastes like it smells… [tastes carefully while being biased because of smell] The chocolate smell really does carry through to the taste! It’s slightly bitter with nice hints of dark chocolate.

E: Sounds promising… let’s try it [tastes while being double biased] Oh wow! This is chocolate for adults. It is bitter, it is good. It is definitely my taste but #notforeveryone. It doesn’t fit your party planning, you buy it for you, and for enjoying it alone with no food.

A: Yeah I think it goes great just by itself really, it’s so savoury and smooth and if you do like these more chocolaty beers, then I think this beer is for you!


Thule Jólabjór 3.8/5

E: This brand I know for sure. It does give me some Christmas vibe in the package, and I appreciate that is not red [staring at all the red bottles in the table]

A: Yeah it's a really popular brand here Thule. I like the design, it's different from the others but it's still lacking more pizazz, if you know what I mean.

E: Pizazz 🙄… that’s a word. I am going to smell it [smells with pizazz] It is quite basic. Nothing to say, no complaints, just beer… and that is a good thing!

A: [Goes in for a smell test] Yeah it does mostly smell like your average lager, with maybe a bit more darker undertones. But rather basic.

E: [drinks with pizazz since she really likes that word] It is light. No extra flavor. No Christmas ingredient. But not bad, it’s a bit bitter after it, but maybe that is just beer? I see myself drinking this at a party.

A: Yeah I think it’s rather basic, a great party beer. It does have some hints of darker tones, more than your regular lager. But not Christmassy enough for my taste. Good beer for the price, but not for the occasion.

Tveir vinir & annar í jólum 3.8/5

E: My limited Icelandic knowledge comes handy on this one. “Two friends and The Day After Christmas”. So, technically not a Christmas beer [looking at the can judgmentally while making notes]

A: Yeah basically it means that. I think that it really doesn’t convey Christmas but with the name. Let's go for a smell! [can noise tsck, opens]... It doesn’t have much smell really, try smelling it?

E: It smells like normal beer. But look at that amazing design on the label! Now that is out of the Bacchanalia!

A: It’s such a nice design! I think the old masters would be proud of this one! Let’s see if the taste is anything like the imagery… It’s really light in flavour, but with a good orangy aftertaste, I would say that it’s rather good. What do you think?

E: [tasting while taking notes] I couldn’t agree more with you. Citrus, very light, doesn’t say much Christmas, but that is because it is the Day after. So in that case, I feel it fits perfectly. I think it is quite drinkable.

A: I agree, it's very drinkable and over all nicely flavoured beer.

Frostrósir 3.8/5

A: Look at this design! It’s really cool, all black and silver...mysterious. For me it doesn’t really scream Christmas but it’s in there somewhere, but just not full on Christmas you know.

E: I don’t know what you are talking about. To me it is really Christmassy. It has Rudolph drinking beer! And a military looking dude? A hunter? That is Dark Christmas… but that is my type of holiday, I have to say.

A: Well everybody’s got their own personal style 🙄… Let’s put this one to the test… [smells rigorously] Mmmmm I’m getting… Orange… Sweetness… … yeah.

E: No much smell for me [rubs her nose to take out the scent, and tries again] Nope… no smell at all. I will taste it [glug, glug, glug] It is citrusy, very flavourful, have it and give it a go.

A: Well I guess you didn’t do it [rigorously]. Anyway, I think the taste is rather nice also, and does resemble the smell. Orangy, Zesty, and sweet. Although the taste doesn’t really stay for too long, it has places to go. So it fades fast.

E: No further comments, your honor.

Jóla Kaldi 3.8/5

A: Take a look at this one. It’s another one from the Kaldi brewery. Similar design as the one before, ye olde text but red this time. For me this says Christmas more than the other one. Not shabby.

E: Look at the foil! [rotates the beer while staring at her distorted reflection] That’s one great foil work indeed! It does say Chritsmas somehow.

A: Yeah it really does. [activates nose] The smell is dark, roasted and a bit caramel/coffee like. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

E: [sniffs] I smell Christmas!

A: Yeah, let’s hope it tastes as nice as it smells. [goes in for a taste]... It’s refreshing to start with, but then leaves you with quite bitter dry after taste… [dries up in mouth] wow it really dries you up!

E: Let me taste…[tries once] It is bitter, but let me think [tries a second time, swish around the beer in the mouth] I don’t know what it tastes like, it is… something, but I cannot point out what. Not bad, though.

A: Yeah it’s not too bad is it. I think what lets me down is the intense dryness that it leaves you with. I think some people might like it but I say it's in the category of #notforeveryone.

Víking Jólabjór 3.8/5

A: Ah, this design is nice. I wouldn’t say it's overly Christmasy but still presents a nice spirit. It’s red, with golden and white text and some town imagery. Quite nice.

E: That paper! I need some of that for wrapping some gifts! Although product placement, I might get a copyright strike.

A: [laughs in Icelandic], I think that we need to put this one under the super smeller [pops open the cerveza]... The smell is rather vague, smells a tad dark with a malt-ish hint, so I am guessing it's a rather dark roasted beer.

E: Yeah. The paper shines, though, look at it! pretty, pretty. It would look fabulous on a Christmas table. Let me try it. There is coffee. But basic. And bitter. Yeah. That’s all I can say.

A: Mmmm let me try [tries with mouth]... I think it’s pretty flat and bitter taste… If that tells you anything. I think it’s quite basic too. Pretty standard darker beer.


Giljagaur 3.7/5

E: We know this brand. Very nice, elegant, Icelandic Christmas reference. Is there something to dislike?

A: Not really no, I think the brewery has found a really nice cool design and stuck with it throughout their whole lineup of beers.

E: Well done brewery. Keep the good work! Let’s smell, shall we? [smelling carefully] It’s good, IPA like, what do you think?

A: [...smelling...] I think the smell is rather nice, rich IPA like smell, very citrusy and full. Smells promising!

E: Now into the testing [drinks conservatively since it’s a 10% beer] Oh hello! This is very bitter, but fruity...kind of citrussy.

A: [hearing about the 10%, and being suspicious].... Mmmmm just as I thought, the taste is much more bitter and strong compared to the smell, no wonder since it’s such a high percentage. It’s practically wine!

E: And this is not a budget friendly beer! No, no… shall we use the hashtag?

A: Yeah I think this one definitely deserves the hashtag…… [Slams the table] #NOTFOREVERYONE.

E: As a final thought: you buy this one for you, if you like it, not for sharing.

Jóla Magnús Frúktus 3.3/5

E: Síðast en ekki síst, isn’t it that how you say that?

A: Yup, that's how you say that alright.

E: Before we continue… Who do you think is going to read all of this?

A: Well I hope all the readers will, since it’s highly informative and a great fun to read.

E: I hope so too! So let’s go on topic before I have to split this one in two parts. The pièce de résistance

A: [Takes bottle in hand, not knowing the future it holds] Oh! This design is whimsical and fun isn’t it? It’s cartoonishly illustrated but very simple. I think it's rather nice, not the best one we have seen here tonight, but not the worst either.

E: It is cute, I really like the design. And it’s blue [looking judgmentally at all the red bottles and cans]

A: Let’s put this last one to the test [gives it a good smell]... Wow, wow, this smells super sour and fruity. I have smelt many beers up until now, but none coming close to this one in peculiar smell.

E: [giving a hardcore smell] Wow, hmmm… This is already interesting! It smells like everything but a beer.

A: It goes, lets see how the taste is… [takes a sip not knowing what to expect] Daaaamn! This tastes really really, really sour. I haven’t tasted any beer similar to this before. It’s so sweet and so sour!!! Not really liking it.

E: Oh no! [starts panicking] What have we done? Is it really that bad?

A: Oh it really is…. let me see what it has [checks bottle in confusion].... what? what?.... It has Skyr! Skyr…

E: [closing her nostrils as if she was taking medicine] Yeah ok, not for me. New hashtag, #notforme.

A: It’s really quite something… I mean, I think some people might like it. But I really don’t, I think this beer is on its own out there. And really I would not recommend drinking this with food, this is a meal or a dessert on its own.

E: I mean, if you look for a beer that takes you out of your comfort zone, definitely try this one. There is Christmas somewhere in it, but is not the Yule Ball I was invited to, if you know what I mean.

A: Yeah I agree, #notforeveryone, #notforme

[ May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!]

P.S. Today Skyrgámur arrived

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